Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some Fun Extras!

My partner and I both love doing crafts, and here are two of our projects from last year. 
We wanted some fun pointers for the kids, and decided that a trip to Michael's was in order.  We bought the animals and my husband cut the dowls and glued the animals on.  The kids love using them.
I bought some tubs to use for the week's supplies...one for every day of the week.  My partner made the day tags on them.  She did such a good job, and I love having everything we need for the week organized and accessible. 

Classroom Pictures

I thought I would share some classroom pictures.  My partner and I had to move classrooms this year and we spent many hours putting this classroom together.  However, we love our new space, and it works well for the children we have this year.  I really love working in this classroom. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

EEEKS!!!! I have a blog!

Well, after months of procrastinating...I finally have a blog.  Please be kind and patient as I explore this new world of blogging.  This could be a very slow process, but I am looking forward to it.  I hope to have a few more posts up in the next few days.  Yay!
